How do adults conceptualize play? What new meanings and views of play emerge after an immersive experience of exploring play via the activities of playing?
These were the questions I had as I started doing my play/worshops world over. Though I was curious about how people thought about play, I was equally interested in creating a space for engaging the question “What is play” by playing. That is, I wanted my process of learning about the practice and notion of play to also be a process of growth and learning for the participants as well. These playshops were intended to be exploration space for reflections and growth of our creative capacities. These spaces were not set-up as a traditional research but rather as a space for an engaged lived inquiry, an everyday activity if you wish. One could also view it as playing with the notion of what is an inquiry?
I have collected hundreds of responses from these play/workshops which we will make sense of for the emerging ideas of play after participants mindfully explored the notion of play via play.